Explore Bengal Architecture in Kushumba, Attractions, Bangladesh
The quaint village of Kushumba is located near the Atrai River in the Naogaon District of the Rajshahi Division of Bangladesh. Here amidst village life and picturesque landscapes, is one of the country’s most popular attractions that brings many visitors to the village each year. The Kushumba Mosque was constructed during the rule of the Afghan regime, during the years 1558 to 1559, and is an archeological wonder that is often referred to as Bengal’s Black Pearl. Because the mosque is in viewable condition, especially after the earthquake of 1897, it is an attraction that is marveled at and studied, due its wonderful architectural style and elaborate decorations.
Walking up to the mosque, visitors will be greeted by a massive gateway, which is the only entrance to the mosque that is protected by a surrounding wall. One can almost imagine the guards outside, still protecting this breathtaking building. The foundation and most of the building was constructed from bricks, although the outer walls, some interior walls, side screens and columns are of stone. There are divisions in the mosque, as during its time of construction the public was separated from officials and nobility. Other noteworthy features to look out for include stone carved mihrabs, cusped arches, decorative motifs and extraordinarily beautiful carved pillars. Visitors will also realize that the mosque was not built in the Suri style, as would be expected, but is rather a great example of Bengal architecture. Due to the earthquake damage suffered by the Kushumba Mosque, it is under the protection of the Department of Archeology of Bangladesh, who work tirelessly to preserve the mosque and this wonderful attraction, for the future.