Asian Art Biennale ‘08
The first Asian Art Biennale was held in Bangladesh in 1981. Its establishment was not only to expose the public to the variety of art that is found in Bangladesh and internationally, but to support and develop young artists in their chosen field. By attending each successive Asian Art Biennale, visitors will be able to see the progress and innovations as traditional art is influenced by the exploration of modern ideas and visions. The 2008 Asian Art Biennale hopes to show the local community that tradition and culture can be used in harmony with modernity to create breathtaking pieces of art.
The BSA, or Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, will once again be organizing the Asian Art Biennale and the massive art exhibition will be hosted in three venues in Bangladesh. The venues for the exhibition will be the Bangladesh National Museum, the National Art Gallery of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy and the Osmani Memorial Hall. Visitors to the events will be able to see the exhibition for a month, as it lasts until 19 November 2008.
Asian Art Biennale is an international event with local artist’s pieces being displayed and works from countries such as Nepal, Iran, China, Thailand, Korea, Pakistan, Egypt, Japan Chile, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Romania, Turkey, Fiji, Italy, Saudi Arabia and many more. There are two committee panels selected for the Asian Art Biennale. One panel is to select the pieces on display and the other to be the judges for the competition, which awards Honorable Mention Awards and grand prizes to the winners. The first group is made up of art critics and artists, and two members of Bangladesh and three foreigners are selected for the five member judge team.
Two hundred and thirty-four pieces of art will be on display during the 2008 Asian Art Biennale, and organizers have ensured that there will also be other attractions at the exhibition, such as the two day seminar. The “Experiments in New Media in Recent Years” seminar is an international event that will take place on the 22nd and 23rd of October 2008. It will be hosted in the Music and Dance Centre Auditorium, at the Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy. The Asian Art Biennale is a wonderful exhibition that gives visitors a look at the ever evolving world of Asian art and international art in general. It is a recommended exhibition that all will enjoy.